Fief authentication client.


 const fief = new Fief({
baseURL: '',
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',



baseURL: string
clientId: string
clientSecret?: string
encryptionKey?: Uint8Array | KeyLike
fetch: {
    (input, init?): Promise<Response>;
    (input, init?): Promise<Response>;

Type declaration

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: RequestInfo | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: string | Request | URL
      • Optional init: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

jwks?: JSONWebKeySet
openIDConfiguration?: Record<string, any>
requestInit?: RequestInit


  • Return a FiefTokenResponse and FiefUserInfo in exchange of an authorization code.


    • code: string

      The authorization code.

    • redirectURI: string

      The exact same redirectURI you passed to the authorization URL.

    • Optional codeVerifier: string

      The raw PKCE code used to generate the code challenge during authorization.

    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<[FiefTokenResponse, FiefUserInfo]>

    A token response and user information.


    const [tokens, userinfo] = await fief.authCallback('CODE', 'http://localhost:8000/callback');
  • Return fresh FiefTokenResponse and FiefUserInfo in exchange of a refresh token.


    • refreshToken: string

      A valid refresh token.

    • Optional scope: string[]

      Optional list of scopes to ask for. If not provided, the access token will share the same list of scopes as requested the first time. Otherwise, it should be a subset of the original list of scopes.

    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<[FiefTokenResponse, FiefUserInfo]>

    A token response and user information.


    const [tokens, userinfo] = await fief.authRefreshToken('REFRESH_TOKEN');
  • Changes the user password with the Fief API using a valid access token.

    An access token with an ACR of at least level 1 is required.


    • accessToken: string

      A valid access token.

    • newPassword: string

      The new password.

    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<FiefUserInfo>

    Updated user information.


    userinfo = await fief.changePassword('ACCESS_TOKEN', 'herminetincture')
  • Parameters

    • parameters: {
          accessToken?: string;
          code?: string;
          idToken: string;
          jwks: JSONWebKeySet;
      • Optional accessToken?: string
      • Optional code?: string
      • idToken: string
      • jwks: JSONWebKeySet

    Returns Promise<FiefUserInfo>

  • Requests an email change with the Fief API using a valid access token.

    The user will receive a verification code on this new email address. It shall be used with the method emailVerify to complete the modification.

    An access token with an ACR of at least level 1 is required.


    • accessToken: string

      A valid access token.

    • email: string
    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<FiefUserInfo>

    Updated user information.


    userinfo = await fief.emailChange('ACCESS_TOKEN', '')
  • Verifies the user email with the Fief API using a valid access token and verification code.

    An access token with an ACR of at least level 1 is required.


    • accessToken: string

      A valid access token.

    • code: string
    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<FiefUserInfo>

    Updated user information.


    userinfo = await fief.emailVerify('ACCESS_TOKEN', 'ABCDE')
  • Return an authorization URL.


    • parameters: {
          codeChallenge?: string;
          codeChallengeMethod?: "plain" | "S256";
          extrasParams?: Record<string, string>;
          lang?: string;
          redirectURI: string;
          scope?: string[];
          state?: string;
      • Optional codeChallenge?: string

        Optional code challenge for PKCE process.

      • Optional codeChallengeMethod?: "plain" | "S256"

        Method used to hash the PKCE code challenge.

      • Optional extrasParams?: Record<string, string>

        Optional object containing specific parameters.

      • Optional lang?: string

        Optional parameter to set the user locale. Should be a valid RFC 3066 language identifier, like fr or pt-PT.

      • redirectURI: string

        Your callback URI where the user will be redirected after Fief authentication.

      • Optional scope?: string[]

        Optional list of scopes to ask for.

      • Optional state?: string

        Optional string that will be returned back in the callback parameters to allow you to retrieve state information.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The authorization URL.


    const authURL = await fief.getAuthURL({
    redirectURI: 'http://localhost:8000/callback',
    scope: ['openid'],
  • Returns Promise<JSONWebKeySet>

  • Returns a logout URL. If you redirect the user to this page, Fief will clear the session stored on its side.

    You're still responsible for clearing your own session mechanism if any.


    • parameters: {
          redirectURI: string;
      • redirectURI: string

        A valid URL where the user will be redirected after the logout process.

    Returns Promise<string>

    The logout URL.


    const logoutURL = await fief.getLogoutURL({
    redirectURI: 'http://localhost:8000',
  • Returns Promise<Record<string, any>>

  • Updates user information with the Fief API using a valid access token.


    • accessToken: string

      A valid access token.

    • data: Record<string, any>

      An object containing the data to update.

    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<FiefUserInfo>

    Updated user information.


    To update user field values, you need to nest them into a fields object, indexed by their slug.

    userinfo = await fief.update_profile('ACCESS_TOKEN', { fields: { first_name: 'Anne' } })
  • Return fresh FiefUserInfo from the Fief API using a valid access token.


    • accessToken: string

      A valid access token.

    • Optional requestInit: RequestInit

      Additional fetch init options. Mostly useful to control fetch cache.

    Returns Promise<FiefUserInfo>

    Fresh user information.


    userinfo = await fief.userinfo('ACCESS_TOKEN');
  • Check if an access token is valid and optionally that it has a required list of scopes, or a required list of permissions.


    • accessToken: string

      The access token to validate.

    • Optional requiredScopes: string[]

      Optional list of scopes to check for.

    • Optional requiredACR: FiefACR

      Optional minimum ACR level required. Read more:

    • Optional requiredPermissions: string[]

      Optional list of permissions to check for.

    Returns Promise<FiefAccessTokenInfo>



    FiefAccessTokenInvalid if the access token is invalid.


    FiefAccessTokenExpired if the access token is expired.


    FiefAccessTokenMissingScope if a scope is missing.


    FiefAccessTokenMissingPermission if a permission is missing.


    try {
    accessTokenInfo = await fief.validateAccessToken('ACCESS_TOKEN', ['required_scope']);
    } catch (err) {
    if (err instanceof FiefAccessTokenInvalid) {
    console.error('Invalid access token');
    } else if (err instanceof FiefAccessTokenExpired) {
    console.error('Expired access token');
    } else if (err instanceof FiefAccessTokenMissingScope) {
    console.error('Missing required scope');
  • Parameters

    • response: Response

    Returns Promise<void>