Interface AuthenticateRequestParameters

Parameters to apply when authenticating a request.

interface AuthenticateRequestParameters {
    acr?: FiefACR;
    optional?: boolean;
    permissions?: string[];
    refresh?: boolean;
    scope?: string[];


acr?: FiefACR

Optional minimum ACR level required. If the access token doesn't meet the minimum level, a FiefAccessTokenACRTooLow error will be raised.

optional?: boolean

If false and the request is not authenticated, a FiefAuthUnauthorized error will be raised.

permissions?: string[]

Optional list of permissions required. If the access token lacks one of the required permission, a FiefAuthForbidden error will be raised.

refresh?: boolean

If true, the user information will be refreshed from the Fief API. Otherwise, the cache will be used.

scope?: string[]

Optional list of scopes required. If the access token lacks one of the required scope, a FiefAuthForbidden error will be raised.