
 1import base64
 2import hashlib
 3import secrets
 4from typing import Literal
 7def get_code_verifier() -> str:
 8    """
 9    Generate a code verifier suitable for PKCE.
10    """
11    return secrets.token_urlsafe(96)
14Method = Literal["plain", "S256"]
17def get_code_challenge(code: str, method: Method = "S256") -> str:
18    """
19    Generate the PKCE code challenge for the given code and method.
21    :param code: The code to generate the challenge for.
22    :param method: The method to use for generating the challenge. Either `plain` or `S256`.
23    """
24    if method == "plain":
25        return code
27    if method == "S256":
28        hasher = hashlib.sha256()
29        hasher.update(code.encode("ascii"))
30        digest = hasher.digest()
31        b64_digest = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(digest).decode("ascii")
32        return b64_digest[:-1]  # Remove the padding "=" at the end
def get_code_verifier() -> str:
 8def get_code_verifier() -> str:
 9    """
10    Generate a code verifier suitable for PKCE.
11    """
12    return secrets.token_urlsafe(96)

Generate a code verifier suitable for PKCE.

Method = typing.Literal['plain', 'S256']
def get_code_challenge(code: str, method: Literal['plain', 'S256'] = 'S256') -> str:
18def get_code_challenge(code: str, method: Method = "S256") -> str:
19    """
20    Generate the PKCE code challenge for the given code and method.
22    :param code: The code to generate the challenge for.
23    :param method: The method to use for generating the challenge. Either `plain` or `S256`.
24    """
25    if method == "plain":
26        return code
28    if method == "S256":
29        hasher = hashlib.sha256()
30        hasher.update(code.encode("ascii"))
31        digest = hasher.digest()
32        b64_digest = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(digest).decode("ascii")
33        return b64_digest[:-1]  # Remove the padding "=" at the end

Generate the PKCE code challenge for the given code and method.

  • code: The code to generate the challenge for.
  • method: The method to use for generating the challenge. Either plain or S256.